How Do I Add a Scores, and/or Official(s), and/or Forfeit(s) to a League Game?



In this articles. you will learn how to Edit a League Game to add officials and/or game scores.

  From the League tab, click on the League and then the Game Schedule tab within that League. Then click Edit Schedule.


Adding a Score to a League Game

    1. Click Edit on the game.
    2. Enter the numerical Scores next to each team.
    3. Click Save.

 Adding Game Official(s)

    1. Click Edit on the game.
    2. Place your cursor in the Official(s) box and select a single or multiple Official(s) from the drop-down:
      • The Officials listed are all Personnel/Volunteers from the Admin tab; see How do I Create or Edit Personnel (Instructors/Coaches/Volunteers)? 
      • To enter a Non-Personnel Official who is not in the list, select Non-Personnel from the drop-down, and type official(s) name(s) separated by commas in the Non-Personnel box that appears. 
      • To remove an official, select the official's name from the drop-down again.
    3. Click Save.

Adding Forfeit(s) to a League Game

    1. Click Edit on the game.
    2. Check the box next to the Team(s) who have Forfeited.
    3. Click Save.
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