How Do I Auto-Assign Players to Teams?



In this article you will learn how to auto-assign unassigned players to teams in a league if you opt to do so.

  Click on the Leagues tab and click on the league name. Then click on the Players tab.

Auto-Assign Players.gif

Auto-Assigning Players to Teams (Initial Filtering)

  1. Click on the Auto-Assign Players to Teams button;
  2. Choose a Division from the drop-down;
  3. Select the Teams from that Division to which you will be auto-assigning players;
  4. Optionally enter Age From and/or Age Up to under Age Range filters;
  5. Optionally check Divide players equally based on age;
  6. Optionally check Divide players equally by rating;
  7. Optionally enter a Max. Number of Players per Team;
  8. Click on the Auto-Assign Players button.

You may change the filters or simply re-click Auto-Assign Players as many times as you'd ike to change the auto-assignments.

Reviewing/Changing/Saving Auto-Assignments

Once you have initially filtered the players based on the options above, you have the option to select and either unassign specific players or reassign them to other Teams.

  1. Check any/all players you wish to reassign;
  2. Click on the Move selected players to drop-down;
  3. Select Move selected to Team team name OR select Unassign selected players;
  4. Click Go;
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until all players are assigned to the appropriate Team;
  6. Click Save Team Assignment.


To see a list of all unassigned players prior to auto-assignment, navigate to the league's Players tab, and change the Team drop-down to Unassigned.


Once players are auto-assigned to teams, you may repeat the auto-assignment by manually unassigning players or manually assign players to reassign them; see How do I Manually Assign Players to Teams?

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