In this article you will learn how to auto-assign unassigned players to teams in a league if you opt to do so.
Click on the Leagues tab and click on the league name. Then click on the Players tab.
Auto-Assigning Players to Teams (Initial Filtering)
- Click on the Auto-Assign Players to Teams button;
- Choose a Division from the drop-down;
- Select the Teams from that Division to which you will be auto-assigning players;
- Optionally enter Age From and/or Age Up to under Age Range filters;
- Optionally check Divide players equally based on age;
- Optionally check Divide players equally by rating;
- Optionally enter a Max. Number of Players per Team;
- Click on the Auto-Assign Players button.
You may change the filters or simply re-click Auto-Assign Players as many times as you'd ike to change the auto-assignments.
Reviewing/Changing/Saving Auto-Assignments
Once you have initially filtered the players based on the options above, you have the option to select and either unassign specific players or reassign them to other Teams.
- Check any/all players you wish to reassign;
- Click on the Move selected players to drop-down;
- Select Move selected to Team team name OR select Unassign selected players;
- Click Go;
- Repeat steps 1-4 until all players are assigned to the appropriate Team;
- Click Save Team Assignment.
To see a list of all unassigned players prior to auto-assignment, navigate to the league's Players tab, and change the Team drop-down to Unassigned.
Once players are auto-assigned to teams, you may repeat the auto-assignment by manually unassigning players or manually assign players to reassign them; see How do I Manually Assign Players to Teams?