How Do I Move a Member to a Different or New Individual Household?



In this article, you will learn how to move a member from one household account into another. If you have a duplicate account that you need to combine, or merge, see How do I Combine or "Merge" Duplicate Accounts?

  Before You Start

Make sure that the members who are in the discussion both have an account profile in the system.

   From the Dashboard, click on the Members tab and search for the member you wish to move from one account to another, by last name. 

To Move a Member from one Household/Organization to Another Existing Household:

Move to Existing 3-2024.gif

  1. Go to the Member tab and search by Last Name for the Member you would like to move to another Household or Organization;
  2. Select that Member and scroll down to the bottom of their Member profile;
  3. Click on the Move Member to Different Household button at the bottom-right;
  4. Click on the Member Actions drop-down;
  5. Select Move Member to Existing Household from the drop-down;
  6. Enter the first few characters of the last name of the Member account being joined and select it from the list. Click on the Move Now button

To Move a Member from one Household/Organization to a New Individual Household:

Move to New Own 3-2024.gif

  1. Go to the Member tab and search by Last Name for the Member you would like to move to a new individual Household or Organization;
  2. Select that Member and scroll down to the bottom of their Member profile;
  3. Click on the Member Actions drop-down;
  4. Select Move Member to New/Own Household from the drop-down;
  5. Click OK to confirm the move.


Household Credit balances transfer if the from Member is the only person in the Household

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