Can I set up a Recurring Payment, make Payment Plan arrangements, for an Invoice?



In RecDesk you can set up a payment plan, or "recurring payment" intended to pay off the balance owing on an invoice.

   Click on the Money Tab, and then Invoice List. Navigate to an Open or Overdue Invoice and click on ActionsCreate Payment Plan.

Setting up a Payment Plan on an Invoice

Select the type of payment plan you want to create for the Unpaid Balance of the Invoice by either selecting a predefined Payment Plan Template from the drop down, OR clicking Create Custom Payment Plan. Both options will allow you to edit the Payment Plan, but choosing a template will prefill some of the options.

How do I set up a Recurring Payment, make Payment Plan arrangements for an invoice?

  1. Select either a Payment Plan Template (see How to I Create a Payment Plan Template?), or choose to create a Custom Payment Plan
  2. Enter the Plan Start Date (defaults to current date)
  3. Select a Payment Plan Method from the drop down:
    • Enroll in AutoPay - Select this option to have installment payments made automatically. Then choose a Payment Option from the drop down (Note: You must have Stored Payment Options for this Household). See How do I set up a Household Stored Payment Option for Payment Plans?
    • Send Installment Due Email - Select this option to send an email to the Customer each time an Installment Payment is due.
    • Manage Manually (No Email Sent) - Select this option to manage the Payment Plan manually
  4. Select the Payment Frequency from the drop down
    • For Daily Payment Frequency, select how often to create Daily Payments by choosing a number in the Every # days drop down
    • For Weekly Payment Frequency, select how often to create Weekly Payments by choosing a number in the Every # weeks drop down and select which Day(s) of Week
    • For Monthly Payment Frequency, select how often to create Monthly Payments by choosing a number in the Every # month drop down and select either On Day of Month and enter the calendar day from the drop down OR choose a more specific pattern by selecting the On the option and choosing from the drop downs (for example, On the Last Friday)
  5. Optionally enter an Initial Payment/Deposit as a Percent (%) OR in Dollars ($)
  6. Enter Number of Payments (Note: this number does not include Initial Payment/Deposit)
  7. Click Continue to preview the payment plan. You can click Remove InstallmentAdd Installment, or change any Installment Amounts, but they must add up to the Outstanding Balance in order to Create the Payment Plan.
  8. Clicking Recalculate will split all installments into equal amounts.
  9. Click Create Payment Plan


After a Payment Plan is set up people can pay an installment online or in-house. See How does someone Make a Payment on a Payment Plan Online? or How is a Payment made on a Payment Plan Installment In-House?


  • To remove a payment plan from an invoice, select the Invoice, click View Payment Plan, click Edit Payment Plan and then scroll to the bottom and click Delete.
  • A member can only have 1 payment plan on autopay per day, or your processing company will flag all other payments after the first as duplicates.
  • Installments on Payment Plans are paid in the order that they show on the INVOICE. Each item on an invoice will be paid off until it is fully paid, and then proceed to pay off the next item on the invoice. The order is as follows:
    • Programs - ordered by the program's start date 
    • Memberships - ordered by the membership's start date 
    • Facility Reservations - ordered by the reservation's start date. Deposits will be paid before regular fees.
  • If you see the clock-icon.jpg  (Staged for RECDESK_BATCH on mm/dd/yyyy) icon next to an installment, the Payment Plan Method is Enrolled in AutoPay, and it is not marked as PAID, go to Money > AutoPay History. Filter the page to include the date the payment was attempted, and resolve the issue with the Stored Payment Option under the Member's Account (update expiration date, etc.); see How do I set up a Household Stored Payment Option for Payment Plans? If you need to add a new Stored Payment Option, you must edit the Payment Plan and change the Stored Payment Option and Save. Then you can click Pay Installment and make that payment manually using the updated/new Stored Payment Option. DO NOT edit the payment plan and change the date on that installment, because it will NOT get picked up again for automatic payment or email. For these cases, you will need to delete that installment and create a new installment with the same amount due.
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