How Can I Get Brochures, Sponsor Logos and New Pages (Tabs) Added to My RecDesk Community Site?



We at RecDesk take care of adding brochure thumbnails, sponsor logos (with/without links), and new pages (tabs) to your RecDesk Community site. In this article you will learn the steps you should take to request these items.

  Before You Start

If you do not have RecDesk Content Management and you'd like to post brochures, sponsor logos, and other content on your RecDesk Community site, contact your RecDesk Customer Success Manager. 

Requesting Brochure Thumbnails, Sponsor Logos, and New Pages (Tabs)

Brochure/Flyer/Newsletter Postings

  1. Upload your pdf file to your Forms & Documents page. See How do I Upload Documents to Content Management Pages?
  2. Send an email to and tell us whether to replace the existing thumbnail, or to add the new thumbnail.  Please specify placement order when multiple thumbnails exist.

Sponsor Logos

  1. Email us at and attach the logo image file (jpg, png)
  2. If you'd like the logo to be a link to the company's website, please send the url to link to (for example:

New Page (Tab) Requests

Email us at listing:

  1. The name of the page/tab
  2.  The Location of the page/tab
  3. Whether you'd like a Text/Picture widget (one large text box), Documents widget (to upload documents for viewing/printing), or a multiple Announcements widget (allows you to have multiple sections with their own headings). See Notes here.


You can also have both Text/Picture widget and a Documents widget on the same page.

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