Where can I look to see if the Auto-Payments processed as intended?



The auto-payment history page shows all invoices for which Auto-Payments have been attempted.


How do I find auto-payment history?

  1. Click on the Money tab
  2. Select the Auto-Payment History sub-menu button
  3. Enter the Status search criteria you wish to see
    • All
    • Successful
    • Failed - All
    • Failed - Invoice Validation
    • Failed - Payment Attempt
    • Failed - Stored Payment Option
    • Failed - Other
  4. Set the date parameters you are searching
  5. Click Apply Search 


For each Invoice marked as FAILED, please see Message to help you correct the issue for future Auto-Payments.


You must click on the Invoice link and View Payment Plan and manually pay any installment which has a Staged for RecDesk Batch Icon that is still Pending.

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