These reports will allow you to sort by a date range, payment type and cashier. In the Summary version of this report, you will see the breakdown of revenue and how it came into the system by: Program Registrations, Memberships, Facility Reservations, Security Deposits, POS, Other and Household Credit. There will also be a line item for Sales Tax Collected. In the Detailed version of this report the same information found on the Summer version will be broken down further by the program, Membership, Facility (Reservation) and POS Items. POS Items are broken down by Item and the Location. The Location number correlates to the Facility ID.
From the Reports tab, click on the Money report of Revenue by Period - Summary or Revenue by Period - Detail.
Please note that the General Ledger section of Reports has identical reports with a General Ledger association if your organization uses GL codes. See What are the "Revenue By Period - Summary/Detail" in General Ledger Reports?