What is the Payment Reconciliation Report?



This report gives you a quick and convenient way to view all payments for a particular time period.

  Either navigate to the Money tab and then click Payment Reconciliation sub-menu, or click on the Quick Actions button on the Dashboard and select Payment Reconciliation. 


Filtering the Payment Reconciliation Report

This report will default to the current date, but if changed within log in session, it will always go back to the date range you changed it to until you change it again or log off.

  1. Change Date/Time Range (optional)
  2. Select Payment Type from the drop down (optional)
  3. If you'd like to run the report for All Cashiers, click Apply Search 
  4. If you'd like to select Specific or Multiple Cashiers, place your cursor next to the x-All Cashiers button, and then select a cashier. To select additional cashiers, place your cursor next to cashier(s) selected and repeat selection process. Click x-Cashier Name to remove a cashier form your filtered list.

Saving Filters on the Payment Reconciliation Report (does not save date range)


Save Current Filter View

  1. Filter your Payment Reconciliation Report as shown above;
  2. Click Filter View Actions and then click Save As New Filter View;
  3. Type in a New Filter Name and click Save.

Rename Current Filter View

  1. Select the saved filter view from the drop down to be renamed;
  2. Click Filter View Actions and then click Rename Current Filter View.

Delete Current Filter View

  1. Select the saved filter view from the drop down to be deleted;
  2. Click Filter View Actions and then click Delete Current Filter View.

Set Current Filter View as Default

  1. Select the saved filter view from the drop down to be set as your default;
  2. Click Filter View Actions and then click Set Current Filter View as Default


By default, this report will show the current day's payments along with totals by payment type (Cash/Check/RecDesk Credit Card/Internal Credit Card/Household Credit).

To print this report in full, select the Print Version button to the right of the report. 

The details of the results of the report can also be exported to Excel. 

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