RecDesk allows you to set up facilities in a way that Online Reservations made can be Pending before being Approved or Denied. When a pending reservation comes in, there is a Reservation Approval page, and once a reservation is approved or denied, the client will be sent an email notification.
Before You Start
If you would like to receive Email Alerts for pending online reservations, sign up for an Online Reservation Made alert; see How do I Sign Up for Email Alerts for Users?
Set up Online Availability Schedules as you would for normal online reservations; see How do I Set Up and Enable Facility Online Reservations?
From the Dashboard, click on the Facilities tab, and then click on the facility you wish to set up Pending Online Reservations for
How to Set Up a Facility so Online Reservations Can be Approved or Denied
- Click on Edit;
- Scroll down to the Reservation Approval section;
- If you want to require Online Reservations to be Approved, check the Require Reservation Approval box
- If you want to include pending reservations when doing conflict checking, check the Include Pending in Conflict Checking box. When this box is checked, if a pending reservation is already booked for a specific time slot, that time slot will NOT show as available for online reservation requests. Checking this box will also show conflicts when making in-house reservations if a reservation is pending during any of the times you are making the reservation.
- Click Save.
If you want Multiple Reservation Requests for a single time slot, leave Include Pending in Conflict Checking Unchecked.
Community Members will not be charged when they make an Online Reservation Request, so the best practice is to list the real fees that will eventually be charged on the online availability schedule under the Online Reservations tab for the facility. Then, if the request is approved, the invoice will be created and you can send the invoice to the customer for payment.