In this article, you will learn how to Approve a Reservation Request.
Before You Start
Set up your Facility so Online Reservations require Approval; see How do I Set Up a Facility so Online Reservations can be Approved or Denied?
Click on Facilities, then click on the Reservation Approval subtab (this will take you to the Pending reservations)
How to Approve an Online Reservation Request
- Optionally Filter and/or Sort the reservation requests:
- You can Filter by:
- Last Name - type the Last Name and wait for a drop down list to appear, then select the member
- Facility - select it from the drop down
- You can Sort by:
- Last Request (Asc) (default)- this option will sort the requests from oldest to newest, based on the Oldest Request a member has made
- Last Request (Desc) - this option will sort the requests from newest to oldest, based on the Oldest Request a member has made
- You can Filter by:
- After changing your filters and/or sort order, click Apply Search;
- You may review the request and its flexforms by clicking on the Facility Name on the request;
- To Approve a Single Reservation Request:
- Click Approve next to the request;
- Optionally change the reservation from a Private (default) to a Public Reservation;
- Optionally add a Note
- Email Notifications are checked by default, but may be unchecked, if you'd like:
- Send Approval Notification - this email informs the member that their reservation has been approved;
- Send Invoice* - this email sends the member who made the reservation an invoice with a link, so it may be paid online;
- Review the details and fees;
- Click Approve Now or Cancel to return to the Pending Reservation Request List
- If there are conflicts with this reservation when approved, you will have to Approve with Conflicts. Note: If Include Pending in Conflict Checking is checked, pending reservation request conflicts will also show here.
- To Approve ALL Reservation Requests for a Member at once:
- Click Actions next to the member's oldest request date
- Click Approve All
- Optionally change the reservations from Private (default) to Public Reservations;
- Optionally add a Note
- Email Notifications are checked by default, but may be unchecked, if you'd like:
- Send Approval Notification - this email informs the member that their reservation has been approved;
- Send Invoice* - this email sends the member who made the reservation an invoice with a link to the invoice, so it may be paid online;
- Review the details and fees;
- Click Approve Now or Cancel to return to the Pending Reservation Request List.
- If there are conflicts with this reservation when approved, you will have to Approve with Conflicts. Note: If Include Pending in Conflict Checking is checked, pending reservation request conflicts will also show here.
*If you are planning to edit/change the fees, or include add-on's, you will want to deselect the "send invoice," make the edits (after approval), and then send the invoice to the client.