In this article you will learn how to register a person for a FlexReg program in a few different ways.
Before You Start
- Add your Program, a Schedule, Fees, and enter the Flex information prior to registering a person; see:
- Check to see if the registrant's household is set up first; see How do I Create or Edit a Member Account? This is important when registering children. See Notes below.
Registering people for Programs within RecDesk Director can be done in any of these ways:
- Go to the Program List (see What is the Program List? ) page and click the Register button to the right of that Program; or
- Click on the Registration tab on the main navigation bar up top
- Go to Member List (see What is the Member List and How do I Perform an Advanced Member Search?)
- Go to a Member profile and click Register.
Registering a Person for a FlexReg Program
- Select the individual who is registering for the Program:
- If they're already a Member in RecDesk, click Search and then choose them from the list by clicking the Select button or click Add New to add a member profile (see Notes below)
- If other registrations are in the Shopping Cart for the household, a Member can be selected from the Member drop-down
- Select the Program Name from the list (it will be preselected if registration was initiated from the Program List page)
- Select the Time Slots the individual wishes to register for. Each Time Slot will show the number of spots remaining, but you can override that when registering in-house; see Tips below
- Select the Fee Type from the drop-down. The Fee Amount will be automatically set, but can be overridden if the RecDesk User role is Director or Assistant Director.
- Select the Registration Source from the drop-down
- Enter Note (optional)
- Answer any Custom Questions that were defined for the Program
- Click Save.
The registration is now in pending status and in the Programs Cart. At this point, more registrations can be added, or you can click on the Checkout button to process the Payment
- Member registrations can also be initiated from the Member's Profile page.
- Many of the online restrictions can be overridden when registering in-house via RecDesk Director, and will be noted in red, including:
- Enrollment Dates
- Enrollment Maximum
- Age Restrictions
- Registrant Already Registered or in Cart
- Note: FlexForms on Checkout too
If adding a New Member, if the registrant is part of a household, be sure to add the entire household prior to beginning the registration process. See How do I Create or Edit a Member Account?