In this article you will learn how to create a drop in program and check people into a drop in program.
How to Create a Drop In Program
- Create/Edit a program and select one of these two options for Drop In Support (see How Do I Create or Edit a Program?):
- Yes - Preregistration Required
- Yes - No Preregistration Required
How to Check People into a Drop In Program
From the Dashboard, click Go To Check In from the right side panel.
- Select a Facility from the drop down
- Select Enable - All Facility Programs or Enable - Selected Facility Programs (to only show programs running at the selected facility) from the Drop-In Program Selection drop down
- Optionally change the Program Period drop down from All programs to programs running: Today, Today and Tomorrow, or Next 7 Days
- Check-In Member:
- By Last Name - enter first few characters of last name and press Enter. Select them from the list by clicking the Check In button.
- By Member Id - Enter Member Id and press Enter
- Scan In - Either the front desk person or the member can scan their barcode
- You will be presented with a page to select from the specific programs designated as supporting Drop Ins
- Click the Check-In button next to the specific program the paricipant is checking into
- If they will be charged a fee, select the appropriate fee from the drop down
- If no fee is due, click Complete Check-in to record check in.
- If payment is due, click Proceed to Invoice to process payment.
- The program Roster will keep a tally of the number of times people have checked into a drop in program.
- The Facility Check-Ins will capture program check-in information. See How Do I View or Edit a Check-in?
- You can run a Facility/Program Check-In report to see drop in program check ins. See What is the "Facility/Program Check in Report" for Facilities?