When a Program is full (reached Enrollment Maximum), you can Add prospective registrants to a Wait List. In this article, you will learn how this is done. Currently this works for regular program registrations. Not FlexRegistration.
Before You Start
The Member must be added prior to adding him/her to the Wait List. See How do I Create or Edit a Member Account?
Click Programs then click on the program name. Then click on the Wait List tab.
How to Add Someone to the Wait List
- Click Add to Wait List
- Type the Last Name of the Member and choose the Member from the drop down
- Click Add Now.
- Participants can add themselves to the Wait List from the Online Community site if online registration is still open, the program is full, and Allow Wait Listing is checked under Program Info. See How Do I Create or Edit a Program?
- Once you decide to allow a person from the Wait List to register for the program, you can Approve them for Registration; see How Do I Approve a Waitlisted Person for Online Registration? Once you approve them, they will receive an email with a link to register for that particular program.
- Once Members are added to the Wait List, you can click Actions on the top of the list and Email or Text all Members on that Wait List. You can also Export Full Detail to Excel.