How do I Set Up Member Cards for RecDesk Members with Access Control?



In this article you will learn how to set up Member Cards for RecDesk Members with Access Control.

  Before You Start

RecDesk Access Control is a premium integration. Please see more about RecDesk Access Control here: What is RecDesk Access Control? Once RecDesk Access Control has been activated, create a Member (see How do I Create or Edit a Member Account? ) and follow the steps below to set them up with Member Cards for Access Control.

If using Kisi Access Control, you must purchase Kisi Cards, Stickers, or have users install the Kisi Mobile APP to gain access:

  Kisi Card.jpg  Kisi Stickers.jpg

Kisi member supplies can be ordered here:

  From the Member profile, click on the Access Control tab


How To Set Up a Member Cards for RecDesk Members with Access Control 

  1. While Viewing the Member, click on the Access Control tab
  2. Click Edit Card
  3. If using Kisi, select your Access Type from the drop down:
    • Card Access (if you are handing members cards; they can also have mobile access with card access if you choose this option)
    • Mobile (if members are using the Mobile App)
  4. Enter the Card Number from their Kisi card (Card Access) or S2 card
  5. Click Save (the member will then get synced with your Access Control Provider).
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