How Do I Set Up/Remove Community Portal Login Credentials?



In this article you will learn how to assign log in credentials to a member for the Community Portal. This is done when their account has been created in house. Online credentials are optional if a member account is created in house.

  Before You Start

Create a member profile (with group/household members if necessary) and click save.

   From the dashboard, click the Member tab and search for the member's profile you wish to add log in credentials to. Click their name to open their account. 

How Do I Set Up Community Login Credentials?

Create Credentials.jpg

Create ID and Pw.jpg

  1. From the member profile, click Edit Profile and scroll to the bottom of the page;
  2. Click on Create Online ID for RecDesk Community Site;
  3. Enter a username;
  4. Enter a password, and repeat password;
  5. Click Save;
  6. Optionally scroll down after saving and click Send Password Reset Email which will send an email to member listing username and containing a link to click on and change his/her password.

How Do I Remove Community Login Credentials?

Remove Credentials.jpg

  1. From the member profile, scroll to the bottom of the page;
  2. Click on Remove Login Credentials;
  3. A popup message will appear stating, "Are you sure that you want to remove this member's login credentials?";
  4. Click OK to confirm.


  • Strong passwords consist of over six letters, numbers and special characters.


Each member can have their own log in credentials for their family account, or you can just assign one log in and password that they all choose to share. Most common is a password being assigned to the head of household member.

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