How do I Create or Edit a Member Account?



In this article you will learn how to create, or edit a Member Account for a solo Member, or a Group/Family Member Account.

  Before You Start

To learn what a member in RecDesk is - see What is the Member List and How do I Perform an Advanced Member Search?

  From the dashboard, click on the Member tab and click on Add New Member from the submenu.

How do I add a new member?

Adding a single/solo member:

  1. Optional - Add a Member ID (see How do I assign a Member ID Number (or Membership Number) to a Member?);
  2. Enter their First and Last Name (middle names are optional);
  3. Optional - Check member as the Head of Household (this person is responsible for invoices and the recipient of all account emails);
  4. Enter the Date of Birth;
  5. Optional - Select Grade.. If left blank, the system will calculate Grade based on date of birth and the organization's Grade Settings; see here: How Do I View/Update Grade Settings?
  6. Select Gender;
  7. If you would like to override the Member's Residency Status when adding new Member, simply choose the appropriate override selection. Once a Member has been added, their Residency Status can be overridden by clicking the Override Residency Status button when viewing profile;
  8. Enter Address;
  9. Enter Email Addresses:
    • Enter Member's Email Address and Confirm Email Address. If you have Kisi Access Control, see Kisi Notes HERE;
    • Optional - enter Alt Email Address #1 and Alt Email Address #2;
    • By default, the Member will receive bulk emails. Uncheck Opt-in Bulk Emails to change this;
  10. Enter Phone Numbers and Mobile Notification Preferences:
    • Enter Member's Primary Phone;
    • Optional - enter Member's Work Phone and Extension (if applicable);
    • Optional - enter Member's Mobile Phone (Note: Mobile Phone is required if opting in to receive Text Alerts);
    • If the Member would like to receive SMS Text Alerts, check Opt-in Text Alerts, and choose carrier from the Select Carrier drop down;
  11. Optional - Enter Emergency Contact information;
  12. Optional - Enter a Member Note;
  13. Optional - Enter a Private Note for internal use only; will appear with Member Badges, but not visible on RecDesk Community;
  14. Click Save.
Adding Group/Family Members:
    1. From within the solo Member Account - Click Add New Group/Family Member;
    2. Optional - Assign a Member ID (must be unique);
    3. Add First Name (middle name is optional; last name defaults - edit if needed);
    4. Enter the Date of Birth;
    5. Select Gender;
    6. All other fields will transfer to match the original solo member; these fields can be modified to be different if you wish.
    7. Click Save


RecDesk can modify fields to be required on not required. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you wish to allow specific fields to be required or not.


If assigning each member a Member ID number, be sure they are unique numbers. A family cannot share one Member ID number.

If you are interested having members' access linked with an Access Control Provider, see Access Control Integrations.

Kisi Notes:

If you use Kisi, email addresses must be unique. If you have a lot of members without email addresses, here's one way to have a single email address that you manage, so you can activate all the cards for people without email addresses:

  1. Ask your IT director to set up an email address with your organization's domain called something like that you can log into.
  2. Then, when adding the email address for the person without one, enter (for example:
  3. When you add a Kisi card to that member, log in to and you will receive the email for that person and can activate that member in Kisi, as well as all other members who have email addresses starting with Please note: XXXX must be a word with/without numbers, but no spaces. Hyphens and underscores are allowed.
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