How Do I Use the League AutoScheduler?



Recdesk gives you the ability to Automatically Schedule games at facilities/fields defined in your system, round robin style. When scheduling games at your organizations's facilities, RecDesk takes care of notifying you of any conflicts with other reservations at those facilities.

  Before You Start

You will need to have all facilities created in the system that you wish to assign games to. See How do I Create or Edit a Facility?

  From the League tab, select the League you wish to schedule. Click the Schedule tab within that League.

Setting the Schedule Options

  1. Click Edit Schedule
  2. Complete the Schedule Options by setting your Locations and Default Game duration
    • Check off all facilities where your games will be located
    • Select the Default Game Duration
    • Click Set


Auto-Scheduling Games

      1. Click Go To AutoScheduler
      2. Select Game Count Option
        • Each Team Plays the Same Number of Games, (i.e.- everyone plays 10 games total) or,
        • Number of Times Each Team Plays Each Other, (i.e.- each team must play each other twice). See Note here
      3. Select Games Per Day
        • Options include a limit of one game per day (most common) or,
        • Fill All Available Time Slots Per Day (most commonly used for tournaments)
      4. Click Next Step


Assign Time Slots Per Field

    1. Set the initial date the league begins
    2. Select the first time slot
    3. Select the first location
    4. Select what type of repeat schedule you would like to occur
    5. Click Add Time Slots
    6. Repeat by changing the location, and or changing the time
    7. Click Add Time Slots
    8. To remove dates/times you need to (due to a holiday, or conflict) click Day Actions to reschedule or remove
    9. Click Next Step

Create Schedule

      1. Click Create Schedule Now
      2. Successful scheduling will create a link that allows you to Go There Now
      3. Unsuccessful scheduling - the system will provide a list of games that it could not schedule.


  • Unsuccessful scheduling may be due to the following: incorrect information (verify you've entered it correctly), or there are not enough game spots available (check the game count option).
  • To print a list of league games for all your leagues at once, click on Flex Calendar, and uncheck Programs and Reservations. Then click the Export button, choose your options, and then click Download Export.


  • If you have an odd number of teams, the "Each Team Plays Same Number of Games" is not available.
  • If you see a conflict that you wish to reschedule, click Edit next to the time slot to change the date/time/location.
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