Payments and Refunds can be voided in RecDesk. This process is irreversible and will permanently delete these transactions. Voids do not get updated in your payment processor, so we recommend that you do not void anything credit card/ACH related. These activities will be listed under the History tab of the Invoice. Only RecDesk users with the Director, or Assistant Director role assigned, can void.
Navigate to the Payment either by going to the Money Tab and selecting the Payment Search sub menu item, or by viewing the invoice and clicking on the Payments Tab on the lower left part of the invoice.
Voiding a Payment - Basic Workflow
- Click on the Payment #
- Click on Edit Payment button
- Click on the Void Payment button
- Type the word "VOID" in the space provided and list the reason for the void
- Click Void Now
If a payment has refunds associated with it, voiding the payment voids all refunds associated with that payment as well.
Voiding a Refund - Basic Workflow
- Click on the Payment #
- Click on the Refunds tab
Click on the Refund #
Click on the Edit button
Click Void Refund
- Type the word "VOID" in the space provided and the reason for void
- Click the Void button