You can Search for any Invoice in RecDesk from the Invoice List.
From the Money tab, click on the Invoice List button. This takes you to the Search Invoices page.
How to use the Invoice List
The Invoice List can be filtered by different invoice statuses. The Invoice Status options are:
- All - Lists all Invoices
- Open - (Default) Lists all Unpaid Invoices
- Overdue (30,60, 90 days) - Lists all Overdue Invoices
- Paid - Lists all Paid Invoices
- Closed - Lists all Invoices which have been Closed out
Optional Standard Search Parameters
- Ivoice Number
- Household ID
- Last Name
- Date ranges
Optional Search Parameters Under Show Advanced Options:
- If the invoice contains Programs, Memberships, Reservations, or POS Items
- If the invoice is/is not on a Payment Plan
- Customer viewed, or opened Status
- If the invoice contains programs with a specific Program Type (Category)
- If the invoice contains line items assigned to a specific GL Code
Click Apply Search
This search is very helpful for printing or sending muliple invoices.
Open - The Invoice is not yet paid in fullOverdue - The Invoice is not yet paid in full, and it is past its Due Date
Paid - Payment has been made in full
Closed - The Invoice has been manually closed out (possibly due to being a noncollectable debt)