Invoices can be viewed by searching for the Invoice from the Invoice List and then clicking on the Invoice Number.
Viewing Invoices
Invoices can be viewed in any of these ways:
From the Dashboard, in the Invoices - Balance Due section, click on the amount labeled Open or Overdue to view the Invoice List of Invoices with those statuses
From the Money tab, perform an invoice search from the Invoice List, and click on the Invoice Number
From the Program tab, go to the Roster Page of a program, and click on Invoice for the roster member
From the Facility tab, perform a Reservation Search, click Details, and then click Go to Invoice
- From the Member profile by clicking on the Account Balance or within their profile History
The Invoice contains three tabs at the bottom:
- Notes - these can be added by clicking on Add New Note when viewing an Invoice
- Payments -this tab shows all payments associated with this Invoice. Click on a payment # to view, edit, or issue refunds for this payment
- History - shows a full history of all activity on this Invoice, including the type of Activity, Date, Description of the Activity, and the User who processed the Activity
If you wish to edit an invoice, see How do I Edit an Invoice?