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What can we help you with?
Facility Management
Facility Management
How do I Create or Edit a Facility?
How do I Add a Tag to a Facility?
What is the Facility List and How Do I Perform an Advanced Facility Search?
How do I add Photos or Videos to my Facility?
How do I Create and Use a Facility Permit?
Reserving a Facility in FlexScheduler
How do I Create a Facility Fee Schedule for FlexScheduler?
How do I View or Edit Facility Reservations?
How do I Create a Facility Reservation with FlexScheduler?
How do I Find a Reservation with the "Reservation Search?"
What Form Actions Can I Perform for a Facility Reservation?
What are the features of the Flex Calendar?
How Can I Drag & Drop from the Flex Calendar?
How Do I Change Colors of Items on the Flex Calendar and the Community Calendar?
What is Attended Check-In and How Do I Use It?
What is Attended Check-Out and How Do I Use It?
How Do I Use Self Check-In?
How Do I Use Self Check-Out
How Do I View or Edit a Check-in?
Online Reservations & Requests
How do I Set Up and Enable Facility Online Reservations?
How do I Set Up a Facility so Online Reservations Can be Approved or Denied?
How do I Approve an Online Reservation Request?
How do I Deny an Online Reservation Request?
How do I View Processed Reservation Requests?
Best Practices/Recommendations
Best Practices for Future Rolling Online Availability Schedules